

T8 - Ángel Faraldo: I miss you


Artist: Ángel Faraldo
Catalog ID: T8
Format: Mp3, Flac, CD-R
Runtime: 39' 10''
Date Released: August, 2009

"I Miss You" was recorded in The Hague, The Netherlands, during the months of May and June 2009. All tracks are complete (uncut) live improvisations performed with my MISS computer-based instrument* without further additions. Nevertheless, the six tracks presented intend to create a compact work, an exploration of some peculiarities of the instrument.

The tracks contained in this work are, in a way, incomplete. They were recorded by directly connecting the output of the digital synthesizer MISS to a recording software running in the same computer. Therefore, the music here contained never met any real space, and the many places, loudspeakers and rooms where it will be played back will influence and complete the work in as many different ways.

Ángel Faraldo



"I Miss You" provides an experience of elegant electronic textures. Digital sounds resulting from the interaction between the individual and the machine. Instants, emotions and impulses transformed into music through the common language of mathematics and the craft of digital instrument design.

After his first release with Yolanda Uriz and a wide experience improvising with a number of musicians, Ángel Faraldo presents "I miss you", his first solo work with his computer-based environment for musical free improvisation MISS.

Alejandro Durán Barreiro


all tracks in mp3 vbr + artwork
all tracks in FLAC + artwork


%s1 / %s2

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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